Jonathan Head

Sports Massage Therapist


Jon enjoys most forms of exercise having come from a predominantly football based background. He likes a challenge and building towards a goal – and is currently in training for the London Marathon 2015. However when not working or taking part in some kind of activity he can be found at home with a cup of tea, feet up and trying to catch up on a Boxset.

Treatment session:

Jon is very passionate about the benefits that arise from a treatment session – whether it’s sports massage or injury specific. He tries to create a treatment session that is individual and meets your goals/needs in a physiological and psychological sense.

Favourite Massage technique:

Active release technique on the Rhomboids or Pec Minor release.

Sports Rehabilitation BSc (BASRaT)
Sports Massage
REPS Level 3 Personal Trainer
Kettlebell Instructor
Boxercise Instructor
Indoor Cycling group Instructor
First aid at work