rebeccaBennett_180Specialist Women’s Health Physiotherapist


Call us:

00 01483 608 350

Passionate about women’s health, Rebecca has spent much of her career specialising in this particular area of physiotherapy. Her extensive experience includes working in both the NHS and private sectors, completing her Master’s in Women’s Health Physiotherapy from the University of Bradford and currently sitting on the Executive Committee for the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy’s professional network for women’s health physiotherapists, the POGP (Pelvic, Obstetric and Gynaecological Physiotherapy).

Her working ethos includes ensuring her patients are well informed about their particular condition and receive a thorough assessment to reach an accurate diagnosis. This leads to excellent treatment outcomes. Rebecca is also fully trained in acupuncture and Pilates and has completed additional training in women’s health for both of these. She has two young children and a very energetic cockapoo!

You may come to see Rebecca for pelvic floor and bladder concerns including but not limited to:

  • Leakage of urine, going to the toilet too often, passing small volumes or needing to rush to the toilet fearing you may not make it in time
  • Faecal urgency or leakage
  • Painful or restrictive intercourse (sex)
  • Prolapse (heaviness or bulging in the vagina)
  • Pelvic floor physiotherapy following childbirth particularly for tears, episiotomy’s, forceps delivery or very quick or prolonged births
  • Pelvic floor check-up, advice and guidance following childbirth, post menopause or at any point in your lifetime where you may have a concern regarding your pelvic floor

You may come to see Rebecca for pregnancy and postnatal related concerns including but not limited to:

  • Pain in pregnancy in your back, pelvis, buttocks or legs including pelvic girdle pain (PGP) and symphysis pubis dysfunction (SPD)
  • Pain postnatally particularly pelvic pain, low back pain and pain from lifting, bending or feeding your newborn
  • Carpel tunnel in pregnancy
  • Divarication of recti (separated abdominal muscles) or 'mum tum'
  • Pelvic floor concerns
  • Personalised antenatal advice for the third trimester, labour and postnatal rehabilitation
  • Postnatal ‘MOTs’ to check pelvic floor, abdominal muscles, advice on feeding positions, lifting techniques and getting you back into exercise

Rebecca also sees men for pelvic floor concerns including incontinence and urgency and for advice and exercises pre and post prostate surgery.

Unsure if we can help? I am happy to discuss through an informal, confidential telephone call any concerns you may have and if physiotherapy is the right path for you.