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30-40% of runners report an injury when training for an event – how can you avoid this?

avoid running injury

Injury can scupper months of training, especially when training for a longer race such as a marathon. So when do we see them most and how can you avoid injury?


When do we see an increase in running injuries?

We normally see an increase in injuries in runners a couple months before the big day. As the weeks get closer to the race, runners start to feel pressured to increase their distance or pace. A sudden increase in intensity can cause tissues to become overly stressed and they can’t heal at a quick enough rate. 2021 study published in the Clinical Journal of Sports Medicine found that 30% of marathoners reported race-related injuries, while more recent research published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine, which looked at the injury rate of runners taking part in the New York City Marathon, found that 40% of runners reported an injury while training for the marathon. In addition, 16% said they got injured either during or immediately after that same race.


What are the most common running related injuries we see?

  • Achilles tendinopathies/ calf strains
  • Shin splints
  • Hip flexor tendinopathies/ strains
  • Plantar fasciitis
  • ITBS
  • Runners Knee (patellofemoral pain syndrome)


What can you do to avoid running-related injuries before a race?

The best way to mitigate injuries when preparing for a race is to make sure you’re strong enough. Running is a single leg sport, and you need to have adequate single leg strength. We like our runners to be able to do 30 single leg heel raises, 30 single leg sit to stands and 30 single leg bridges as a baseline for running. Don’t forget about cross training!

Stick to the 25 rule… Increase distance by 25% to avoid overloading to fast.

Get a free shoe and gate analysis at a run shop to check you’re in the right shoes. Further on that topic, you’ll need new shoes after 300-500 miles. Once you have found a pair of shoes you like and work for you, stick to them!

As above, regular sports massages before and after to keep tissues healthy and ready for activity.

Make sure you have enough recovery time in between training. Rest is just as important as training. Overtraining can lead to exhaustion mentally and physically.

If you do sustain an injury, we would always recommend seeing a physio as soon as possible. Book here for a physio appointment or sports massage.

Date Posted

August 29th, 2024



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